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Affirm Life Church

Gospel Music

Affirm Life Church started in January 2020 with Pastor John Everard, his wife Liz and a small group of faithful people.


Despite its short history and since reopening following numerous lockdowns, we have seen Affirm Life Church strengthen and continue to grow.


The teaching from Pastor John is Bible based, grounded and focused on the finished work of Our Lord Jesus at the cross.


Affirm Life Church is Pentecostal and believes that the day of Pentecost was not just for that time 2000 years ago, but has impact for every believer through the empowering and indwelling of God the Holy Spirit right now.


When we confess that Jesus is Lord and believe in our hearts that God raised Him from the dead, we become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. This means that people can know and experience God’s love, forgiveness and power every day. He is a very personal God and wants to be involved in our lives.


After church there is opportunity to stay and have a morning tea together and encourage each other in the Lord.


During the week we have fortnightly Bible studies in the day or evening where we reflect further on God’s word and opportunity for prayer in an atmosphere of faith.


If you are looking for a place to call your spiritual home we would love to see you.

What to expect at
Affirm Life Church

Waving at Camera

A Genuine Welcome

Everyone matters to Jesus and to us

Woman with Bible

Biblical Preaching

Preaching based from The Bible, practically relating
to the joys and challenges of everyday life

Bible discussion group

Affirm Life Groups - Bible Studies

Mid week bible study groups
Grow in your knowledge and application of the word of God

Praying Hands


We have weekly prayer meetings at 9:40am before our service
and a prayer team ready and willing to believe with you



Contemporary and engaging worship connecting
with God in your own personal way

Friends Eating Dinner

Affirm Life Connections

Regular opportunities to connect outside of our Sunday service 
for fellowship, great food and to share life together



Weekly sharing of communion in our services
remembering Jesus great sacrifice for us all

Happy Traveler


Testimonies are shared weekly as a way of encouraging each other
Sharing our blessings and the work of God in our lives


Children Reading the Holy Bible

Children's church

During each service we have available a program for children in the primary school years.

Plan your visit



Woman Smiling in Car


We meet at Japara House.

54-58 Durham Road Kilsyth Vic 3137 


Click the interactive map below for directions


You will see our banner on Durham Road on Sunday Mornings.

Chatting Over Coffee


Lets have a chat about your interest in our Church and answer any questions


Simply call, email or fill out the contact form and we would love to

connect with you

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