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Who is Jesus

Writer's picture: affirmlifechurchaffirmlifechurch

Before Jesus ever came to this earth as a human being, He existed in all eternity. In the Old Testament the Prophet Micah Prophesied, approximately 700 years before Jesus birth, in Micah 5:2, he wrote, that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem and that this child is from everlasting. That means He is eternal. Around the same time Isaiah the prophet in Isaiah 7:14 wrote that a virgin (Mary) shall conceive and bear a son. The same Prophet wrote in Isaiah 9:6 the following, “For unto us a child is born and unto us a son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace. Jesus was born supernaturally by the Holy Spirit (Found in Matthew 1:18 and 20 and also in the Gospel of Luke Chapter 1:31 and 34-35). This meant that Jesus was born without sin. 

Scripture clearly points to Jesus being more than just a man, scripture clearly reveals that He is indeed The Creator God.

John 1 tells us that in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. All things were made through Him and without Him nothing was made. And The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. (This scripture is speaking of Jesus)

We read in Titus 2:13 that Christian’s have a blest hope, that being, the glorious appearing of our Great God and Saviour who is Jesus Christ.

John again writes in one of his letters, in 1 John 5:7 that “There are Three who bear witness in Heaven: The Father, The Word and The Holy Spirit and these Three are One.”

This verse clearly shows us that there is one God who eternally exists as three distinct persons - The father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. Each person is fully God and as this verse says, they are One.

 Jesus is The Creator God, I trust you will accept Him as your personal Lord and Saviour.

The Life of Jesus Christ:

 Jesus Ministry

The primary emphasis of Jesus’ ministry was to reveal the will of God (Hebrews 10:9). Jesus came preaching the love of God (John 3:16) and it was a totally new revelation. Because of this it was not enough to leave it in the realm of argument and debate. The message was not only in word, but was proved beyond doubt by the working of signs and wonders. Jesus ministered in 3 ways.

  1. Through preaching and declaring the Good News of Salvation

  2. Teaching the principles of the Kingdom of Heaven

  3. Through healing, signs and wonders

There are many stories of Jesus healing large numbers of people as they gathered to hear Him, other times it was just one person in need. Jesus wasn't there for fame, but to show his love for His creation. Whether it be to the crowds of thousands or just to the one. There were times when He brought healing to an individual he had to quickly depart before those who opposed Him could make a scene or even arrest Him. But then He would take the time to come back and personally speak with that person to let them know who He really was. 

There are 3 recorded times in the gospels where Jesus raised people from the dead. You can see these recorded in John 11, Luke 7:11-15 and Luke 8:49-56.  

He brought miraculous provision. On 2 occasions it is recorded how Jesus had a few loaves and fishes and fed many thousands of people. (Mark 6 and 8)

And finally how he had command over nature itself. (Matthew 21:19-20, Luke 5:1-9 and Luke 19:29-39). Many times these miracles were preceded by an overwhelming sense of compassion and love for people. (Luke 7:13)               


The Death and Resurrection of Jesus:

Isaiah prophesied in Isaiah chapter 53, 700 years before Jesus was born, that He would have to die for our sin. Not just regarding what we do wrong but that we have turned away from the Almighty Creator God who loves humanity so much that He came in human form to be the sacrifice to bring us back to God.

Isaiah writes in Chapter 53:5-6, “But He was wounded for our Transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement for our peace was upon Him and by His wounds we were healed. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned, everyone, to His own way; and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.”

Jesus was betrayed and then sentenced to death. He was whipped, mocked and then crucified as had been prophesied in scripture. But death could not hold the creator and He rose again to life after 3 days. There were many eye witnesses who testified to this. In fact in 1 Corinthians 15:6 it says that 500 saw Him at one time. His own faithful disciples were scared after His death, but once He showed Himself to them as the resurrected Saviour, they became bold and shared this truth the Good News with the known world.

Who the Bible Says Jesus Is:

At the heart of Christian faith lies the truth that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the promised Messiah foretold in the Old Testament scriptures. The Bible paints a vivid portrait of Jesus as the embodiment of divine love, grace, and truth. He walked among humanity, healing the sick, comforting the brokenhearted, and proclaiming the good news of salvation.

From the Gospel of John to the letters of Paul, John and Peter, the scriptures resound with declarations of Jesus' deity. (Meaning that he is God). He is described as the Word made flesh, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Through his sacrificial death and triumphant resurrection, Jesus offers the gift of eternal life to all who believe in Him.

Jesus is Who He Claimed to Be:

In the midst of conflicting opinions about his identity, Jesus himself made bold claims about who He was. He declared, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6) Such statements leave no room for ambiguity; Jesus presented himself as the exclusive path to reconciliation with God.

Moreover, he proclaimed His divine authority to forgive sins, perform miracles, and judge the world. His teachings challenged conventional religious norms and invited individuals into a vibrant living relationship with God.

A Call to Knowing Jesus as Your Personal Savior:

Amidst the complexities of life, the invitation to know Jesus Christ personally remains as relevant as ever. He stands at the door of our hearts, offering forgiveness, hope, and purpose. Revelation 3:20 says “Behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come into him and dine with him and he with Me.”

Embracing Jesus as Savior means acknowledging our need for redemption and surrendering our lives to his Lordship.

If you've never experienced the transformative power of Jesus' love, I encourage you to consider the claims of the Bible and explore the possibility of a life-changing relationship with Him. He offers unconditional acceptance and unending grace to all who come to Him in faith.

An Invitation to Affirm Life Church:

At Affirm Life Church, we invite you to journey with us as we explore the depths of who Jesus Christ is. Our community is committed to walking alongside you as you discover the truth of God's Word and experience the life-giving power of his presence.

Through worship, fellowship, and biblical teaching, we seek to cultivate a vibrant faith community where individuals can encounter Jesus in a personal and transformative way. Join us as we celebrate the beauty of God's love and the hope found in Jesus Christ.

Two Thousand years ago, Jesus came to this earth to become the Saviour of the world by dying for our sins so we could be forgiven. But He promises to come back again as the King of King’s and Lord of Lord’s. Until that day He promises He will always be there for those who believe (Matthew 28:20)

In conclusion, the question of who Jesus Christ is transcends mere intellectual inquiry; it is a matter of the heart. May you come to know him as the Savior who offers forgiveness, the Redeemer who brings restoration, and the Hope that anchors our soul.

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